Financial Sozo is a coaching session where a certified facilitator guides you, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, to identify the faulty beliefs holding you back in your financial journey, bring healing to these areas and find the truth you need to bring about everlasting change in your life.
Financial Sozo facilitators are called to serve, they undergo extensive training and mentoring.  Facilitators fall under the leadership and covering of Stephen K. de Silva Ministries.

Magda le Roux

Magda is a certified Financial Sozo facilitator.  She joined the Sozo Ministry in 2013 after hearing the word “Sozo” on an outreach with Randy Clark. Magda is currently the Sozo sub-facilitator for the Western Cape, South Africa. Magda serves as the Sozo team leader at Journey of Grace church in Bellville. She holds a BSc in Computer Science with focus on Business Analysis and Design. She is an entrepreneur who retired from a successful career to start her own business to escape from the rat-race.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor;
    he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
    and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. 

Isaiah 61:1

Her heart’s desire is to set the captives free. She has led a single parent ministry for 17 years helping parents discover renewal and healing,  through connecting them to the Godhead. 

Magda equips people to walk in freedom both spiritually and financially. In partnership with the Holy Spirit she facilitates their connection to God, to hearing from Him and healing unhealthy roots, and incorrect beliefs related to money and identity. 

Magda’s  greatest passion to leave a legacy of financial freedom.

If you want to get a jumpstart in your financial health, contact us for a Financial Sozo. These sessions will begin your journey to see lasting change in your financial life.